
SETSCO strives to achieve business objectives and setting out on its organisational priorities while placing importance on the integration of sustainability into its business strategies. Through its diverse list of services that it provides to a wide range of industries, SETSCO relishes playing its part as an effective and value-add enabler in facilitating sustainable transitions of businesses locally.

After conducting its first double materiality assessment, SETSCO establishes its sustainability framework to be consisting of the following four core pillars:

1. Adopting and advancing sustainable technology and innovation

2. Upholding Our Responsibility to Our People, Our Communities, and The Society

3. Driving environmental stewardship and enabling the transition towards sustainability

4. Fortifying strong governance and ethical business in our journey towards sustainable economic growth and innovation

SETSCO, in demonstrating its commitment towards sustainability and ensuring that it pervades through the entire levels of employees, has established, through its parent company, VICOM Ltd, formal management structures and committees to identify, assess, measure, monitor and mitigate relevant sustainability factors and these are clearly described and narrated in our Sustainability Report.

Click the link below to view our Sustainability Reports and read on the various initiatives and measures that we have implemented and adopted as we chart and pursue our sustainability journey and goals respectively.

  1. 1. VICOM TCFD Report 2023
  2. 2. Sustainability Report 2022
  3. 3. Sustainability Report 2021