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Fire Safety Products (FSP)

Fire Safety & Shelter Department (FSSD) issues a list of regulated Fire Safety Products (FSP). Any material that is intended for fire safety works, if listed under the listing scheme and its use is in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the Fire Code, would be deemed acceptable to FSSD.

The listed products are mainly categorized into 3 certification schemes complying with the requirement stipulated in ISO/IEC 17067:

a) ISO/IEC Type 1b

ISO/IEC Type 1b Certification Scheme consists of type testing of a sample of a production and subsequent batch inspection. Regulated fire safety products certified under ISO/IEC Type 1b Certification Scheme are issued with product labels which are also displayed on the products.

b) ISO/IEC Type 2

ISO/IEC Type 2 Certification Scheme consists of type testing of a sample and market surveillance. Market surveillance is conducted and samples of the product from the market are assessed for ongoing conformity.

c) ISO/IEC Type 5

ISO/IEC Type 5 Certification Scheme consists of testing and assessment of the quality system involved. Surveillance of the quality system is conducted and samples of the product from either the market or at the point of production, or both, are assessed for ongoing conformity. Regulated fire safety products certified under ISO/IEC Type 5 Certification Scheme for Discrete System are issued with product labels which are also displayed on the products while for Non-Discrete System are issued with Declaration of Compliance (DOC).

To search certified Fire Safety Products, please click here

Based on SAC CT-12, applicants seeking multiple certifications shall take note of the following:

1. An applicant who seeks certification of their fire safety products with Setsco Certification Body (SCB) shall declare the status of certification he had with the previous Certification Body (CB) (if any).

2. If the applicant has previously sought certification with a CB but failed in its certification attempt, he is required to submit the latest report and surveillance test results prepared by the previous CB to SCB for their information and highlight any improvement made to the product to be certified by SCB.

Note: All test reports shall be an SAC or SAC’s mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) partners’ accredited reports.

3. If SCB subsequently finds out that the applicant has earlier approached a CB but failed in its certification attempt, SCB shall require the applicant to

i. Submit the latest audit report and surveillance test results prepared by the previous CB


ii. Highlight any improvement made to the product.

If the applicant fails to do so, SCB shall reject the applicant’s application for certification of his product.

You may contact the following for more information:

Fiona Leong
Tel: 6895 2245

Lawrence Lim
Tel: 6895 0654